by Caden Massey

The LC State theater program will be performing a completely original show written by professor Jeff Petersen and directed in part by fellow professor Nancy Lee-Painter and Tan Prace Collier.
According to the playwright, “Emme, a precocious and intelligent nine-year old, likens themself to the heroes of all the very best myths and legends of yore. But when they answer a mysterious call for help emanating from the woods behind their house in the dark of night, they find themself facing a destructive force that is obliterating entire worlds across the multiverse.
On their epic adventure, Emme meets an assortment of companions to aid in the fight, but in the end, they must learn that even the best heroes will sometimes roll a critical failure.” The Pathfinder asked Nancy Lee-Painter why this show is so special.
According to Lee-Painter, “Well, apart from it being an original show, I think because it has a lot of magic and multiverses in it. It is going to have some really great spectacle in terms of lighting. And although it is a show for families, it also deals with some really important themes like loss and being able to talk about it.”
“We want people to see that original work fully produced is possible here at LC.”, Lee-Painter added, “We are offering a directing class and a playwriting class.
These classes will go hand in hand to create original work here on campus.” AnnaLia Clapp, the primary light operator, was quoted with saying, “We have four really cool lights that can be manipulated into different shapes that your normal, average stage lights cannot do. It has been fun trying to figure out how to program spells and how the shadows are all going to work as well. Overall, it has been difficult, but fun.”
Petersen has written about 10 or 12 shows, and “this one has personal meaning in a different way than the other ones have.” He went on to say, “I was inspired to write this show because I experienced loss and grief when I was a child, and the amazing imaginative journeys I go on with my own children.”
According to Petersen’s account, there are more people working on this show than an average show. He thinks people are excited to be in a communal experience again since they were not able to have as vibrant of one in recent years.
“Well, it’s an awesome opportunity to have so many artists and students come together to work on one piece.” The Pathfinder asked Petersen how the show ends, to which he replied, “With a surprise, that you will have to come see.”
The show will run from October 27th through the 29th and from November 3rd through the 5th. The doors open at 7 PM and the shows start at 7:30 PM.
All showings will be in the Silverthorne Theater, which is located in the Admin building on campus. LC Students get in free, and faculty, staff, veterans, and students from other schools get in for a reduced price of $5. General admission for the community is $10.