What went well? When I reflect on this past semester I am nothing short of proud.
It has been wonderful to see and hear students engaging with each other in classes as well as co-curricular activities.
It has been exciting and energizing to observe and participate in campus events (Although you couldn’t see it underneath a mask of whipped cream, even jar wars put a smile on my face).
What needs more work? As you may know we conduct an all-student survey every fall.
In that survey we ask how folks hear about LC State and/or what influences them to attend. Invariably, the data tell us that student word-of-mouth is an important influencer.
And so, just as recruitment and retention are key parts of staff and faculty roles, students too can help us strategically grow enrollment by spreading the word and sharing with family and friends the positive education experiences you are having.
You can also help by making sure that you have met with your advisor prior to the holiday break, are registered for spring semester and on-track in your education/ degree goal pursuit.
What’s next? What’s next most immediately is concluding a successful fall semester.
And so, to you students I say, study well and rock your final exams, projects and papers! From there enjoy some rest, relaxation, maybe fun activities with family and friends, and get ready to come back for an engaging and successful spring semester. In that vein, I invite you, in fact I challenge you, to attend a campus event or activity this spring that might not normally be on your radar. Here are a few examples to consider.
Be sure to check the Do More App regularly for calendar updates. Maybe you’ll attend a sporting event, the CTE Showcase end of January, or the Annual Stegner Humanities Lecture in February. Perhaps you’ll participate in the March women’s history month leadership conference or attend the Native American Awareness Week Pow Wow. Maybe you and family will at-tend Family Weekend and Art Under the Elms, or perhaps a concert performance in the Silverthorne in April.
Maybe you’ll watch a spring theatre production (both the LC State and Civic Theater groups put on exceptional plays and mu-sicals throughout the year). Maybe you will be presenting or supporting friends as they present during the May Senior Research Symposium.
And of course, there is the everpopular NAIA Avista World Series at end of May. And maybe, just maybe you’ll drop in for lunch with me during one of the spring semester Ask and Answer sessions held in the SUB over the noon hour. The first 10 people get lunch on me. Spring dates are set as Febru-ary 9th and March 15th.