by Nikolous Bertling
On the CDA campus, Mental Health Week went really well with many participants. The week had things such as DIY aromatherapy, and a free yoga session.
The council geared up for Homecoming week holding many events, one of which was the Cart Race. Cart Races had a great turnout of students and staff to watch the event. However, now with Home-coming over with the council is getting ready for more events.
Pet Show – The Pet Show is com-ing up, people who sign up will bring their animals so students can enjoy them. The council voted on a budget of $100 to purchase a prize beta fish for those who show up to the Pet Show.
Jar Wars – Jar Wars will be coming up soon. Faculty and students will give money to a jar that will support clubs on campus. Each jar will have a different representative who will be pitted against another. The loser will receive a pie in the face.
Craft Fair – The annual Craft Fair is nearing. Spots are already filling up.
In other news, as the Idaho State Board of Education meeting draws near, student government members from other Idaho Institutions will be coming down to brain-storm and converse with LC State's student council.
For Commit-tee Reports, in the Curriculum Commit-tee, welding courses are being revised to better match what students are wanting.
IETTI 106 was deactivated.
Math 130 was changed from 4 credits to 3. Math 154 was deactivated. Psych 205 was modified for clarity. In the Alumni Committee, plans for the CDA Golf Scramble are being planned and revisions to their bylaws were made.